[Probabilidad-Estadistica-Seminario] Fabián Crocce/primera sesion de 2015
mordecki en cmat.edu.uy
mordecki en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Abr 8 18:01:33 UYT 2015
El viernes a las 10 30 expone Fabián Crocce en el seminario de Probabilidad
y Estadística.
Tema: Análisis de error en métodos de Fourier para valuar opciones (ver
resumen abajo)
A las 12 almorzamos en Solanas (Solferino y Comercio)
Los esperamos!
Abstract. We provide a bound for the error committed when using a Fourier
method to price a european option when the underlying follows an
exponential L ́evy dynamic. The price of the option is described by a
partial-integro-differential equations (PIDE). Applying a Fourier transform
to the PIDE an ordinary differential equation is obtained and solved
analytically in terms of the characteristic exponent of the L ́evy process.
Then, a numerical inverse Fourier transform allows us to obtain the option
price. We present a novel bound for the error and use this bound to set the
parameters for the numerical method. We analyse the properties of the bound
and provide some examples of its use.
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