[EstudiantesMatemática]RECORDATORIO: Seminario Dinámica

lpineyrua lpineyrua en fing.edu.uy
Jue Feb 29 10:00:14 -03 2024


Les recordamos que mañana vuelve el Seminario de Dinámica! En esta  
oportunidad tendremos sesión doble: T. Barbot + S. Fenley. Por esta  
razón las charlas serán EXCEPCIONALMENTE en el Salón 703 (Rojo) de FING.

14:00 T. Barbot.
15:30 S. Fenley.

Abajo encontrarán título y resumen correspondiente a cada charla.

Aprovechamos la oportunidad para pedirle a quienes quieran exponer  
este semestre o tengan prevista alguna visita, favor de comunicarse  
con los organizadores (santiago.martinchich en fcea.edu.uy y  
lpineyrua en fing.edu.uy).

*Thierry Barbot (Université d'Avignon)*

Título: Finite coverings of geodesic flows.

Resumen: In 1981, E. Ghys proved that any Anosov flow on a circle  
bundle M over a surface S is a finite covering along the fibers of the  
geodesic flow of S. In this talk I will prove that on M there is one  
or two equivalence orbital classes of Anosov flows. This is a joint  
work with S.R. Fenley.

*Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)*

Título: Existence of quasigeodesic Anosov flows in hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

Resumen: A quasigeodesic in a manifold is a curve so that when lifted  
to the universal cover is uniformly efficient up to a bounded  
multiplicative and added error in measuring length. A flow is  
quasigeodesic if all flow lines are  quasigeodesics. We prove that an  
Anosov flow in a closed hyperbolic manifold is quasigeodesic if and  
only if it is not R-covered. Here R-covered means that the stable  
2-dim foliation of the flow, lifts to a foliation in the universal  
cover whose leaf space is homeomorphic to the real numbers. There are  
many examples of quasigeodesic Anosov flows in closed hyperbolic  
3-manifolds. There are consequences for the continuous extension  
property of Anosov foliations, and the existence of group invariant  
Peano curves associated with Anosov flows.

Próxima semana: Pablo Guarino (Universidade Federal Fluminense)


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