[EstudiantesMatemática] Charlas de Emmanuel Beffara.

Mauricio GUILLERMO mguille en fing.edu.uy
Mar Oct 31 22:47:43 -03 2023


En el IMERL nos visita Emmanuel Beffara, docente e investigador de la 
Universidad de Grenoble-Alpes, integrante del equipo METAH que dirige 
Abdelhamid Chaachoua. Emmanuel trabaja en temas de lógica y computación 
y también en didáctica y dará dos charlas sobre ambos temas de 
investigación. Ambas charlas serán en idioma inglés.

  * Este miércoles 1 de noviembre a las 16h en el salón 705, séptimo
    piso del edificio central de la facultad será la charla de lógica,
    cuyo resumen es el siguiente:


/Studying concurrent computation with proof theory/

/The Curry-Howard correspondence studies relationships between proofs 
and programs, using tools of proof theory to explore their structures 
and dynamics. This talk will present ongoing work in the study of 
concurrent interaction within this framework. The central issues are the 
status of non-determinism and the importance of scheduling in models of 
concurrency, to which traditional proof theory is not accustomed. Our 
approach incorporates inputs from linear logic, classical realizability 
and semantics of concurrency, with the long-term aim of building a 
unifying axiomatization for process
models and logics.


Se transmitirá por zoom en la siguiente sala virtual: 

  * Este viernes 3 de noviembre a las 16h30 en el salón 705, séptimo
    piso del edificio central de la facultad será la charla de
    didáctica, cuyo resumen es el siguiente:


Teaching computer science at secondary school:

Competencies and evaluation The status of computer science at secondary 
school has evolved in the last years in several countries from being an 
optional item or a technology-oriented training to being a scientific 
topic in its own right. However, even experienced teachers sometimes 
struggle to understand the nature of this science and assess its 
learning by their students, for lack of established practice and 
references. This talk will present elements of a didactic approach to 
this challenge, based on the study of several curricula using didactic 
theoretical frameworks in order to identify general and specific 
competencies and use them to structure knowledge and skills, in order to 
improve teaching and evaluation.

Se transmitirá por zoom en la siguiente sala virtual: 

Cordiales saludos,


Profesor adjunto.
Instituto de Matemática y Estadística Rafael Laguardia.
Facultad de Ingeniería.
Universidad de la República.
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