[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Álgebra del IMERL - Amrei Oswald (University of Washington)

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Mie Oct 25 13:40:29 -03 2023

Seminario de Álgebra del IMERL

Título: "Twisted tensor products of bialgebras and Frobenius algebras"

Expositor: Amrei Oswald (University of Washington)

We are interested in when the twisted tensor product of two bialgebras inherits
a bialgebra structure in the case where the comultiplication is induced by the
inverse of the twisting map. It turns out that this only gives a bialgebra when
the twisting map is trivial. However, we find that the twisted tensor product of
two Frobenius algebras is always Frobenius with this setup. We also characterize
when twisted tensor products of separable algebras are separable, and we prove
that twisted tensor products of special Frobenius algebras are special
Frobenius. All of the definitions and proofs are given diagrammatically, so
these results hold in monoidal categories.   This is joint work with Pablo S.
Viernes 27/10 a las 11:15, Salón de Seminarios del IMERL y a través de Zoom

Contacto: Marco A. Pérez - mperez en fing.edu.uy
Información    de    acceso a Zoom / Zoom access info:  Enlace / link:    https
://salavirtual-udelar.zoom.us/j/85001311823   ID    de    reunión / Meeting ID:
850 0131 1823
Más seminarios en: http://www.cmat.edu.uy/seminarios
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