[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Álgebra del IMERL - Guilherme Cruz (Universidade de São Paulo)

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Mie Oct 18 11:20:29 -03 2023

Seminario de Álgebra del IMERL

Título: "Han’s conjecture and its frontiers"

Expositor: Guilherme Cruz (Universidade de São Paulo)

In 2006, Yang Han proposed a connection between two homological concepts
concerning a finite-dimensional (associative) algebra. In detail, he conjectured
that the vanishing (in high degrees) of Hochschild homology of such an algebra
implies that its global dimension is finite. Since then, some work has been done
in two directions. The first one is concerned in finding examples satisfying the
conjecture - which have been seen to include commutative, monomial, Koszul, and
group algebras. In a second direction, it has been shown more recently that
certain extensions of algebras preserve Han's conjecture. I will present an
overview of these works in the seminar's first part. In the second part, I will
say roughly how this conjecture behaves in a broader realm of algebras, called
pseudocompact algebras. In particular, I will point out that Han's conjecture
remains valid in some cases and, for others, that it does not.    All the
concepts cited in this abstract will be explained during the presentation.
This is based on my work as a Master's student under the supervision of
Kostiantyn Iusenko.

Viernes 20/10 a las 11:15, Salón de Seminarios del IMERL y a través de Zoom

Contacto: Marco A. Pérez - mperez en fing.edu.uy
Información    de    acceso a Zoom / Zoom access info:  Enlace / link:   https
ID    de    reunión / Meeting ID:   832 9854 8596  Contraseña / Passcode:
Más seminarios en: http://www.cmat.edu.uy/seminarios
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