[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Oferta de beca de doctorado en Hong Kong

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Dom Nov 19 12:02:52 -03 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Pablo Musé <pmuse en fing.edu.uy>
Date: sáb., 18 de noviembre de 2023 8:22 p. m.
Subject: Fwd: Oferta de beca de doctorado en Hong Kong
To: docentes_iie <docentes_iie en fing.edu.uy>, ingenieria. matematica <
ingenieria.matematica en fing.edu.uy>, Lorena Etcheverry <lorenae en fing.edu.uy>,
Marcelo Fiori <mfiori en fing.edu.uy>, Rafael Potrie <rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy>,
Ernesto Mordecki <mordecki en cmat.edu.uy>, <maestriaCDAA en fing.edu.uy>, Chichi
León <rlramos en fing.edu.uy>


Difundo este llamado a becas de doctorado que me manda Jean-Michel Morel,
que actualmente está como profesor en Hong Kong. Es requisito tener una
maestría, que supongo que puede estar en curso pero debe estar terminada al
momento de comenzar el doctorado.

Les ruego por favor que difundan en sus respectivos
institutos/instituciones, solicitando a los interesados que se pongan en
contacto conmigo (pmuse en fing.edu.uy) para que luego arme el contacto con
Jean-Michel. Los posibles temas de tesis son varios, se sitúan en la
interfaz entre la matemática, el aprendizaje estadístico y aplicaciones
diversas del área del análisis y el procesamiento de imágenes y video. Los
podrán conversar luego con él. En algunos casos estos proyectos involucran
colaboraciones con la el Centre Borelli de Matemática Aplicada de la Ecole
Nórmale de Paris Saclay, y/o con el Departamento de Procesamiento de
Señales del IIE/FING, por lo que también existe la posibilidad de armar
co-tutorías con docentes de esos centros.

Les pido celeridad ya que las aplicaciones cierran el 01/12/2023.




Pablo Musé, PhD
Full Professor of Signal Processing
Universidad de la República
+598 27110974

*Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2024/25*

Greetings from the *College of Science, City University of Hong Kong*!

With the aim to recruit the most outstanding students in the world to
pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong, the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the
Government of Hong Kong SAR has established the “*Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
Scheme*”.  In this connection, I would very much appreciate your assistance
in recommending outstanding and good research potential candidates to apply
for the Scheme through the *City University of Hong Kong*.

The Fellowship awarded by RGC provides a monthly stipend of HK$27,600
(approximately US$3,538) and a conference and research-related travel
allowance of HK$13,800 (approximately US$1,760) per year for the awardees
for a maximum period of three years.  CityU will provide a monthly
studentship at the same level as the Fellowship awarded by RGC for their
fourth year of study.

In addition, Fellowship recipients at CityU will be awarded the *Chow Yei
Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship,* which covers
students’ tuition and on-campus hostel accommodation fees in their first
year of research studies.

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will invite applications for 2024
entry *till
1 December 2023 (by 12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)*.  The key milestones and
application procedures are as follows:

*Application Procedures*
*RGC’s deadline:*
*1 December 2023*
*(by 12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)*
Applicants should first submit an initial application at the RGC’s Online
Application System (OAS) (*www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd*
<http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd>) to obtain an RGC reference number.
*CityU’s** deadline:*
*1 December 2023*
*(by 23:59 Hong Kong Time)*
Applicants are required to submit a full application, including supporting
documents, to CityU’s Online Admission System (*www.cityu.edu.hk/sgs/oas*
<http://www.cityu.edu.hk/sgs/oas>), and quote the RGC reference number.
April/May 2024
Announcement of Fellowship results by the RGC

Firm admission offer with regular postgraduate studentship will be given to
selected CityU nominees, even if RGC does not award them the Fellowship.
The admission offer will be confirmed by CityU in February 2024.

I am enclosing the poster and leaflet about the Scheme for your
information/dissemination to potential students.  Should you or your
students wish to know more about the Scheme, please visit our website (
https://go.cityu.hk/f5k48h) or contact us by email at
csci.office en cityu.edu.hk.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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