[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de EDPs y Afines (IMERL) - Abner J. Salgado (University of Tennessee)

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Mie Mayo 31 12:30:28 -03 2023

Seminario de EDPs y Afines (IMERL)

Título: "Convergent Methods for the infinity Laplace, and related equations"

Expositor: Abner J. Salgado (University of Tennessee)

We propose a monotone, and consistent numerical scheme for the approximation of
the Dirichlet problem for the normalized Infinity Laplacian, which could be
related to the family of so–called two–scale methods. We show that this method
is convergent, and prove rates of convergence. These rates depend not only on
the regularity of the solution but also on whether or not the right-hand side
vanishes. Some extensions to this approach, like obstacle problems and symmetric
Finsler norms are also considered.
Viernes 2/6 a las 12:30, Salón 101 IMERL

Contacto: Juan Pablo Borthagaray - jpborthagaray en fing.edu.uy

Más seminarios en: http://www.cmat.edu.uy/seminarios
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