[EstudiantesMatemática] Conferencia superficies - 4-8 diciembre

Alejo García alejogarcia.1.618 en gmail.com
Vie Jul 7 14:13:02 -03 2023

Recibo y distribuyo


Dear Friends,

We are organizing a new occurrence of the series of conferences
"surfaces in ...". It will take place in Banyuls-sur-mer (south of
France, close to the Spanish border on the Mediterranean sea) between
4-8 December 2023.

The website with all the informations relative to the venue is:


If you wish to register for this conference, please let us know by
writing an email to one of the email addresses organizers you can find
on the website.

We have a limited amount of funding for travel and staying expenses.
Please tell us as soon as possible if you cannot cover your personal costs.

The limit number of participants hosted in the center is 50; if however
there are more inscriptions, additional participants could be
accommodated in one of the hotels nearby.

Do not hesitate to ask any question.

Pierre-Antoine, for the organizers
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