[EstudiantesMatemática] Mini workshop on Dynamical Systems - On the occasion of Dr. Roberto Markarian's Doctorate Honoris Causa

Juan C. Morelli jmorelli en fing.edu.uy
Vie Nov 18 17:00:23 -03 2022

Dear all,

we reach you today in order to remind you of the celebration banquet  
on December 6th.

There is a limited capacity for guests at the location. For this  
reason, we announce a LAST CALL for registration.

Here is a link to the page with the form and other details:  

The registration form is expected to close by monday morning.

For those of you who have already registered or do not plan to join  
the banquet, please disregard this message and receive our sincere  

All the best,

Nancy, Rafael and Juan Carlos.

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