[EstudiantesMatemática] Italia: PhD and postdoc opportunities

Ernesto Mordecki mordecki en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Jul 11 16:52:41 -03 2022

Transmito, si hay interesados me contactan, saludos, Ernesto


I am seeking to recruit PhD students and postdocs who would work as part 
of the programme in Modelling and Engineering Risk and Complexity (MERC) 
at the School for Advanced Studies in Naples (Scuola Superiore 
Meridionale). The School was founded in 2019 and it is very well funded 
(at least by the Italian standards). Each year it recruits 6 PhD 
students and up to 8 postdocs. The MERC programme is rooted in control 
engineering and as a member of the academic board I bring to the table 
my expertise at the mathematical end of the spectrum. Many colleagues in 
the board also work on very theoretical questions in control engineering 
and from my own experience I can guarantee that the scientific 
environment at MERC is of the highest standards and very stimulating 
(plus it includes numerous academics based outside of Italy). You can 
take a look here

The call for the PhD programme is now open and it is available here
The deadline for applications is on 24th of August 2022.

Each scholarship includes a stipend of EUR 19,000 per year (for 4 years) 
which is increased by 50% when the student is spending time abroad. The 
figure can be considered as net because PhD scholarships are subject to 
minimal taxation which does not really change the overall amount the 
student receives. Students are expected to spend at least 12 months 
abroad during their PhD and so if you decide to co-supervise the student 
they could stay at your institution for that period. Each Scholarship 
also includes approx EUR 4,000 for research costs/travel per year.

The next round of postdoc positions will open in September/October, so I 
would be grateful if you could alert potentially interested PhD students 
who are about to complete their PhD.

I am happy to talk to any interested student in either the PhD or 
postdoc opportunity. Of course I am also happy to talk to you if you 
need more details.

All the best
Dr Tiziano De Angelis
Associate Professor
School of Management and Economics (Dept. ESOMAS)
University of Turin, Corso Unione Sovietica, 218 Bis, 10134, Torino, Italy
Affiliate of Collegio Carlo Alberto, Piazza Arbarello 8, 10122, Torino, 

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/tizianodeangelis/home
Google Scholar 
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