[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: APPLY NOW : Excellence scholarship of the Graduate School in Mathematics & Computer Science

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Dic 5 06:52:39 -03 2022

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De: Gisele CRISTOVAO <gisele.cristovao en univ-paris13.fr>
Date: lun., 5 de diciembre de 2022 6:34 a. m.
Subject: APPLY NOW : Excellence scholarship of the Graduate School in
Mathematics & Computer Science

*Excellence scholarship of the Graduate School in Mathematics & Computer

The Graduate School in Mathematics & Computer Science of the Sorbonne Paris
Nord University (PNGS-M&CS) awards grants for Master studies in mathematics
and computer science.


*Program description*

The PNGS-M&CS Graduate School is designed as an international, high-level
curriculum in master and Phd. It builts upon three masters: Mathematics,
Computer Science, Engineering and Innovation in Images and Networks.
Students enrolled in this graduate school will have the opportunity to
attend classes from different masters, supplemented by specific classes.

Three research laboratories of the Sorbonne Paris Nord University actively
participate in this graduate school: LAGA, the laboratory of mathematics,
LIPN, the laboratory of computer science, L2TI, the laboratory for visual
information and network analysis and processing. These laboratories form
the MathSTIC Research Federation that supports and encourages their
interdisciplinary research, and gathers more than 170 professors and
full-time researchers. The interactions and complementarity of mathematics
and computer science are highlighted in the graduate school to promote
interdisciplinary teaching and research. Students of the PNGS-M&CS school
will be in close contact with current research through internships within
the partner laboratories, and participation in seminars and conferences
organized locally, doing short internships in the laboratories, and working
on open problems.

After their second year of master studies, students continuing with PhD
studies within the PNGS-M&CS will join the Galileo Doctoral School.


The student awarded a scholarship will receive a monthly grant up to 1000€
at maximum: 600€/month + a housing complement of 400€/month upon
justification (rental lease).

Students from abroad will have preferred access to student housing
facilities (CROUS), and will be reimbursed a return trip from their home
country to Paris (economic fares only).


Students entering the program in the first master year (M1) are awarded the
grant for 12 months, with a prolongation of 10 months for their second
master year studies (M2) if they passed the first year.

Students entering the program in the second master year (M2) are awarded
the grant for 10 months.

Students pursuing a thesis in a laboratory of the PNGS-M&CS perimeter will
be funded by a 3-year doctoral contract and will join the Galileo Doctoral

We ask students joining the PNGS-M&CS graduate school to arrive in Paris
around September 1st.

*Grant funded by*

Gouvernement français; Universités et écoles; Organismes de recherche


Theses grants are open to both French and international students of any
citizenship. The selection is based solely on criteria of academic
excellence and motivation.



*Notes :* The students from countries participating in the “Études en
France” program are invited to also deposit a Campus France application.

*Subject area*

Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and Innovation in Images and

*Level Master*

*Notes :*

Candidates for M1+M2 grants: students applying for an admission into the
program to enter the first year of master studies (M1) must have obtained a
Bachelor degree or an equivalent qualification by August 31st of the
current year of studies.

Candidates for M2 grants: students applying for an admission into the
program to enter the second year of master studies (M2) must have
successfully completed a first year of master studies by August 31st of the
current year of studies.

*Language skills*

Lectures and/or documents are provided in English, and students must have a
sufficient proficiency in English to follow.

Non French speaking students are strongly advised to attend French courses.

*Additional criteria*

The PNGS-M&CS graduate school will help the students in the administrative
procedures related to moving to France and studying (applying for a visa,
finding housing, insurance, banking, (pre-)registering into the master,

The PNGS-M&CS graduate school will also offer pedagogical and scientific
support: each student will have a tutor from one of the participating
laboratories, will have regular contacts with the head of the master and
the graduate school, will participate in specific meeting for sharing
information, and will be advised in his/her search for internships or
advisers. Specific activities (welcome day, cultural activities, seminars)
targeted at PNGS-M&CS students of all level of studies aim at easing the
development of a social network.


*Application process*

Candidates to an PNGS-M&CS Master grant apply online on the PNGS-M&CS
website. In parallel, they apply to one of the three masters of the
PNGS-M&CS perimeter at the Galileo Institute of the Sorbonne Paris Nord
University (also known as University Paris 13), either via the “Études en
France” program for countries participating in it, or the E-candidat
platform of the University Sorbonne Paris Nord.

*Online application**:  **https://eur.univ-paris13.fr/en/apply/*

*Apply before*

*February 28, 2023*

*Required documents*

- Curriculum Vitae

- Transcripts of grades from the first university year on

- E-mail address of two referee accepting to write a recommendation letter
for the applicant

- A letter of motivation, explaining also the project of studies and goals

- Copy of an ID card or passport

- Information on the proficiency in French and English (though generally
taught in English, some chosen courses may be taught in French, with notes
and textbooks provided in English).

Once an account has been created, it is possible to complete the
application in several steps.

The candidate is responsible for ensuring that the application is completed
by the closure date of the call. Application which remain incomplete beyond
this date will not be considered.

*Selection process*

All applications will be reviewed. The selection is made on decision of the
Scientific Committee of the PNGS-M&CS, upon criteria of academic excellence
and motivation, taking into account the coherence of the curriculum and the
project of studies.

The PNGS-M&CS school has a policy of equal opportunity in the evaluation
process of all applications.

Female candidate are particularly encouraged to apply.

*Links :*

PNGS-M&CS : *https://eur.univ-paris13.fr/en/homepage/*

Galileo Institue : *https://galilee.univ-paris13.fr/*

Sorbonne Paris Nord University : *https://www.univ-paris13.fr/*

Campus France Scholarship
Online application:  *https://eur.univ-paris13.fr/en/apply/*


*Gisèle CRISTOVAO (Ms., She/Her) - Project Manager - *
École Universitaire de Recherche PNGS-M&CS / OfficeD207

Campus de Villetaneuse
99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément - 93430 Villetaneuse

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