[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: 2021 Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference

León Carvajales leon.carvajales en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 10 15:23:40 -03 2021

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De: NCNGT organizers <ncngt.organizers en gmail.com>
Date: lun, 10 may 2021 a las 16:38
Subject: 2021 Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference
To: <lcarvajales en cmat.edu.uy>

Dear NCNGT 2020 participants,

We are delighted to announce that applications are open to participate in NCNGT
2021 <http://www.ncngt.org>, a mixed (a)synchronous conference running
online from June 14-25.

NCNGT showcases the work of early career researchers in geometric topology.
This year, we will have nine special sessions, each with pre-recorded
talks, discussion via Discord, and live events like teas, office hours, and
problem sessions.

This year’s topic groups:

   - Beyond the chalkboard: topology through outreach
   - Dynamics and geometry of discrete subgroups of Lie groups
   - Foliations, flows, and dynamics in 3-manifolds
   - Recent techniques in Floer and Khovanov homology
   - Hyperbolic manifolds
   - Infinite type surfaces and big mapping class groups
   - Knots and braids in dimensions 3 and 3.5
   - Low-dimensional contact and symplectic topology
   - Symmetric spaces and generalizations

We will also have four live plenary talks, given by Jayadev Athreya
(Washington), Ian Biringer (Boston College), Priyam Patel (Utah), and
Arunima Ray (MPIM).

Applications to participate
are due *Monday, June 7*; we will notify applicants on a rolling basis. We
also encourage anyone interested -- but especially graduate students -- to
submit a “Postcard from a Geometric Topologist”

For more information, please see the conference website
<http://www.ncngt.org> or email the organizers at ncngt.organizers en gmail.com

We hope to “see” you there!


Martin Bobb <https://sites.google.com/view/martin-bobbs-homepage/home>, Siddhi
Krishna <https://sites.google.com/view/siddhi-krishna/home>, and Allison N.
Miller <https://sites.google.com/view/anmiller/>

P.S. We apologize for the inconvenience if you've received this message
from multiple sources!
[image: .]
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