[EstudiantesMatemática]Fwd: Feliz año!!!

Diego Armentano diego en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Ene 11 12:32:53 -03 2021

Les reenvío un email sobre una escuela online organizada por colegas en la
Universidad de Cantabria.
Y de paso les mando un video explicando el origen mitológico del problema
problema 7 de Smale sobre los puntos de Fekete en la esfera.

Maths and Myths || 👁 ARGOS PANOPTES 👁 The myth of Zeus and Io || Teamco
Video Project <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtC6hMHYyOk&feature=emb_logo>



Dear colleagues,

The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation of the
Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN) is organizing an online *Master School on
the study of Geometry, Analysis and Applications.* The talks are hosted by
the Faculty of Science of University of Cantabria using Microsoft TEAMS.

The school will include* two 5-hour minicourses by María Ángeles García
Ferrero* (Heidelberg University) and *three talks on different panoramics*
of the field by *Leonardo Colombo (CSIC), Fernando Sanz (UVa) and Azahara
de la Torre (UGr)*.

Also, *young researchers working on the topic that are interested in giving
a short 30 minutes talk are encouraged to submit a tetative title and
abstract*. The organizers will decide on the approval of these submission
as soon as possible.

You will find all the information about this Master School in the website


*To join the mailing list and receive the link to enter in the talks please
write an email to ciem(at)unican(dot)es*.

Please forward this message on to your colleagues who may be interested in

We hope to see you soon

The organizers: Carlos Beltrán, Nuria Corral and Rafael Granero-Belinchón.

[image: Firma_Carlos] <http://www.teamco.unican.es/>

Email: beltranc en unican.es Home: https://personales.unican.es/beltranc/


Diego Armentano
diego en cmat.edu.uy <diegoax en gmail.com>
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