[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: a Zoom talk

emaderna emaderna en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Mayo 25 22:25:55 -03 2020

---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------
De: Richard Montgomery <rmont en ucsc.edu>
Fecha: El dom, 24 de may. de 2020 a la(s) 11:26
Asunto: a Zoom talk
Para: Tere.M-Seara <tere.m-seara en upc.edu>, Amadeu Delshams <
amadeu.delshams en gmail.com>, Alain Albouy <Alain.Albouy en imcce.fr>, Chenciner
Alain <alain_chenciner en yahoo.fr>, Rick Moeckel <rick en math.umn.edu>, Nathan
Duignan <nathan.duignan en sydney.edu.au>, Guowei Yu <yugw en nankai.edu.cn>,
knauf <knauf en math.fau.de>, Jacques Féjoz <jacques.fejoz en dauphine.fr>,
Ezequiel Maderna <ezequiel.maderna en gmail.com>

Dear Colleague- friends:

I agreed to  give a Zoom talk on June 2 , approximately
 2/3  of which concerns problems within  the  N-body problem .
and so you may be interested.

1/3 of this 2/3  is a presentation   inspired by the papers of
Maderna-Venturelli.  The other 1/3 discusses scattering work we begun at
MSRI  a year ago , `we'  being  Nathan Duignan, Rick Moeckel and Guowei Yu
and myself.

Here is information:


    Richard Montgomery
------------ próxima parte ------------
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