[EstudiantesMatemática] PhD opportunities at University of Illinois at Chicago

ssensale ssensale en fing.edu.uy
Lun Sep 16 13:08:01 -03 2019

Estimados colegas,

Disculpen si no es pertitente pero creo que a mas de uno podria  
interesar. Si alguno puede enviar al instituto de fisica u a otras  
personas que consideren pueden estar interesadas, se los agradezco.  
Pueden ponerse en contacto conmigo o con Zhangli Peng:

Two positions of Ph.D. students are available in Prof. Zhangli Peng’s  
group at Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at  
Chicago. One student is expected to start in January 2020 and the  
other is expected to start in August 2020, but starting dates can be  
flexible. The main research directions in the group are multiscale  
modeling, cell mechanics, and modeling of microfluidics. One student  
will be expected to conduct research on multiscale modeling of cells,  
organelles, and molecules using molecular dynamics, coarse-grained  
particle dynamics, and finite elements. The other student will be  
expected to conduct research on multiphysics modeling in  
microfluidics. The stipends and tuitions of students will be fully  
covered. Highly motivated students with solid backgrounds in physics  
and mathematics are encouraged to apply. Students with some  
experiences in C++ or Fortran are preferred. Knowledge in  
biomechanics/biology and a master degree is NOT required. Contact and  
more information can be found in the following website:  
https://bioe.uic.edu/profiles/peng-zhangli/ or inquired by email:  
zhpeng en uic.edu


Sebastian Sensale
PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame

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