[EstudiantesMatemática]Invitación a charla de Cuerpos Finitos, viernes 11/10

cqureshi cqureshi en fing.edu.uy
Vie Oct 4 08:28:22 -03 2019

Hola a todos.

El próximo *viernes 11 de octubre* a las *11:15*, en el *IMERL* (salón  
de seminarios),
nos hablará *Daniel Panario*, de Carleton University, Canadá. La  
charla será en español y estará orientada para público matemático  

*Título:* Open Problems for Polynomials over Finite Fields and Applications

*Resumen:* We survey open problems for polynomials over finite fields.  
We first
comment on the existence and number of several classes of polynomials.
The open problems here are of a theoretical nature. Then, we center in
classes of low-weight (irreducible) polynomials. The conjectures are
practically oriented, specially in cryptography. Next, we focus on
iterations of functions over finite fields and their periodicity and
permutational implications. Finally, time permitting, we describe
open problems from a selection of areas including factorization of
polynomials, special polynomials (permutation, almost perfect
nonlinear), and relations between integer numbers and polynomials.


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