[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Dinámica del Viernes 22/11

Pablo Lessa pablitolessa en gmail.com
Jue Nov 21 12:54:20 -03 2019

Hola a todas y todos,

Este *Viernes 22 de Noviembre* a las *14:30* en el salón de seminarios del
*IMERL* nos va hablar *Bruno Santiago* sobre *Centralizadores de campos de



*Title:* The centraliser of a vector field: criteria of triviality,
applications and questions


A dynamical system can present symmetries in many different ways. Perhaps
the simplest, and the most rigid, example of this, in some sense, is to
consider the flow of a vector field and look for other vector fields which
commute with it. This object is called the centraliser of the given vector

If Y belongs to the centraliser of X then their flows patched together give
an action of R2 into the manifold, whose orbits can have 0, 1 or 2
dimensions. The latter case indicates the presence of non-trivial
symmetries. Inspired by the folklore fact that if Y belongs to centraliser
of an Anosov vector field X then Y is a constant multiple of X, we shall
discuss criteria to ensure that a vector field is sufficiently chaotic to
have no symmetries.

I will focus the exposition in many interesting questions still open on the
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