[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística -- Viernes 15 de marzo

Andrés Sosa asosa en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Mar 13 12:08:07 -03 2019


Este *viernes 15 de marzo a las 10:30 horas* en el salón de seminarios del
Centro de Matemática hablará * Andreas Maurer* (Munich --  Alemania) en el
seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística.

El título de la charla es:  *Uniform concentration and symmetrization for
weakly interacting statistics.*


*Resumen:The method which uses Rademacher or Gaussian averages to bound the
expected suprema of empirical processes is extended to the case where the
sample average is replaced by a nonlinear statistic. The bound is
controlled by Lipschitz seminorms involving single and mixed partial
differences of the function in question. Tight bounds are obtained for
U-statistics, smoothened L-statistics and error functionals of l_2
regularized algorithms.*
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