[EstudiantesMatemática]Charla tipo Coloquio próximo lunes.

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Jul 12 08:00:00 -03 2019


El próximo *Lunes 15 de julio a las 14 horas en el IMERL* (salón de
seminarios) tendremos una charla de tipo Coloquio por parte de Dimitry
Jakobson.  <http://www.math.mcgill.ca/jakobson/> Para quienes no lo conocen
de nombre, les comento que es un especialista en teoría espectral y
análisis geométrico que colabora (y fue orientador) de nuestra compatriota
Yaiza Canzani.

Les dejo abajo el título y resúmen.




Zero and negative eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators, and nodal
sets in conformal geometry

*Abstract:* We study conformal invariants that arise from nodal sets and
negative eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators, which include the
Yamabe and Paneitz operators. We give several applications to curvature
prescription problems. We establish a version in conformal geometry of
Courant’s Nodal Domain Theorem. We prove that the Yamabe operator can have
an arbitrarily large number of negative eigenvalues on any manifold of
dimension n ≥ 3. We show that 0 is generically not an eigenvalue of the
conformal Laplacian. If time permits, we shall discuss related results for
manifolds with boundary, and for weighted graphs.

This is joint work with Y. Canzani, R. Gover, R. Ponge, A. Hassannezhad, M.
Levitin, M. Karpukhin, G. Cox and Y. Sire.

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