[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: PhD grant of La Caixa

emaderna emaderna en cmat.edu.uy
Jue Ene 31 12:57:10 -03 2019

---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------
De: Amadeu Delshams <Amadeu.Delshams en upc.edu>
Fecha: El jue, 31 de ene. de 2019 a las 12:25
Asunto: PhD grant of La Caixa
Para: Stefanella Boatto <stefanella.boatto en gmail.com>, David Blazquez <
david.blazquez-sanz en usa.edu.co>, Holger Dullin <holger.dullin en sydney.edu.au>,
Jean-Pierre Marco <marco en math.jussieu.fr>, Alfonso Sorrentino <
alfonso.sorrentino en gmail.com>, Laurent Niederman <
laurent.niederman en math.u-psud.fr>, Dan Offin <offind en mast.queensu.ca>, E.
Maderna <emaderna en cmat.edu.uy>, <epujals en gc.cuny.edu>, Gonzalo Contreras <
gonzalo en cimat.mx>, Claudio Vidal <clvidal en ubiobio.cl>, Primitivo Belén
Acosta-Humánez <primitivo.acosta en gmail.com>
Cc: Eva Miranda <eva.miranda en upc.edu>

Dear colleagues,

Last year we advertised a PhD grant of La Caixa in our lab which was
succesfully awarded to Anastasia Matveeva who started her PhD last

This year we have a new opening under the same agreement with La Caixa
Bank and we are looking for good candidates eager to work with us.

You may find more information in the links below. Please pass this
advertisement to potentially interested students.

*(Deadline for application is February 6)*

Kind regards,

Amadeu and Eva
Laboratory of Geometry and Dynamical Systems UPC
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