[EstudiantesMatemática] CIMPA School Buenos Aires. First Announcement

Nicolás Frevenza nfrevenza en gmail.com
Mar Feb 6 14:52:29 -03 2018

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From: cimpaBA18 school <cimpaba18 en gmail.com>
Date: 2018-02-05 16:04 GMT-03:00
Subject: [Kolmogorov] CIMPA School Buenos Aires. First Announcement
To: kolmogorov en dm.uba.ar

Dear friends,

This is the first announcement of the School *Geometry and scaling of
random structures at Buenos Aires July 16 to 27, 2018. *

This is a CIMPA School, the X Escuela Santaló and an ICM Rio Satellite

There will be 4-hour courses by Amine *Asselah*, Christophe *Garban*,
Milton *Jara*, Claudio *Landim*, Jason *Miller *and Perla *Sousi* and
around 35 40-minute talks.

More information and registration: http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~probab/

*Deadline* for applying for support: March 11, 2018.

Thank you in advance for passing this announcement forward to your Phd
students, post-docs and colleagues.

Best regards,

Amine Asselah and Pablo Ferrari
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