[EstudiantesMatemática] Danielle Brake || SEMINARIO DE ALGEBRA Y TEMAS AFINES - RECORDATORIO

Diego Armentano diego en cmat.edu.uy
Dom Dic 9 23:29:18 -03 2018


Reenvío, y agrego un poco de información, al email de Alvarito sobre charla
de Danielle Brake en el Seminario de Álgebra y Temas Afines este lunes

Danielle (https://danielleamethyst.org/) participó del congreso de
IMAGINARY Congress 2018, donde dictó una muy linda charla sobre impresión
3D de superficies algebraicas.
Danielle es una especialista en geometría algebraica computacional, y ha
logrado imprimir varias de las superficies algebraicas de la galería de
Herwig Hauser (https://danielleamethyst.org/).

Abajo está la información sobre la charla.

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Lunes 10 de diciembre, de 01:30 PM a 02:30 PM, CMat, Salón de seminarios
del piso 14.

Expositor: Prof. Dr. Danielle Brake, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

Título: Theory and Applications of Numerical Algebraic Geometry

Resumen: Polynomials are everywhere.  Designing windshield wiper
mechanisms, modeling stoichiometric chemical reactions, nonlinear
optimization and control, and many other scenarios, all generate polynomial
systems -- and demand they be solved.  The functions can be univariate, or
multivariate.  The systems can be structured, or dense.  The solutions can
be sets of points, or entire positive-dimensional spaces.  And they can be
computed in a variety of ways.  Numerical algebraic geometry is a field of
computational mathematics which solves and manipulates polynomial systems
primarily using numerical continuation.  The field is highly
application-driven, and continues to mature, both in terms of theoretical
boundaries and software implementations.  Horizons include self-tuning
trackers and systems having billions of solutions.  This talk will discuss
numerical algebraic geometry -- its motivations, incarnations, and
 Esta es la última charla del año. Están todos invitados a tomar un café a
las13:00, antes del seminario.


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Diego Armentano
diego en cmat.edu.uy <diegoax en gmail.com>
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