[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de dinámica del viernes 07/12 (sesión doble)

salvarez en cmat.edu.uy salvarez en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Dic 4 20:12:28 -03 2018

Hola a todos,
Habrá doble sesión en el seminario de dinámica este Viernes 07 de Diciembre a partir de las 14:00 en el salón de seminarios del IMERL. 
Nos hablarán Andy Hammerlindl sobre Partial hyperbolicity on Seifert fiber spaces de las 14:00 hasta las 15:00 
y María Isabel Cortez sobre Connections between Dynamical Systems and Group Theory: invariants for group actions on the Cantor set de las 15:15 hasta las 16:15. 
​ Título: Partial hyperbolicity on Seifert fiber spaces.
Resumen: ​ I will discuss partial hyperbolicity on Seifert fiber spaces, with a focus on which manifolds and isotopy classes support partially hyperbolic systems and the construction of new examples.

This is joint work with Mario Shannon, Rafael Potrie, Christian Bonatti, and Andrey Gogolev​​​​

​ Título: Connections between Dynamical Systems and Group Theory: invariants for group actions on the Cantor set. 
 Resumen: In this talk we will introduce some algebraic objects associated to minimal actions on the Cantor set (full groups in particular). We will study some of their algebraic properties and the dynamical information about the system that they contain.
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