[EstudiantesMatemática] Second announement-call for registration and contributions-QUANTUM 19- Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Walter Ferrer

Mariana Haim negra en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Dic 3 13:22:50 -03 2018

Dear colleagues,

this is the second announcement for


*           Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Walter Ferrer*
                                  Montevideo, Uruguay
                                    March 4-8, 2019


Quantum 19 is the first of the series to be held in Uruguay. In this
instance, the usual coloquium themes will be expanded to include
algebraic groups.

The deadline for registration has been changed to February 10th, 2019
and we are still welcoming contributed talks.

We kindly ask you to register and to forward this announcement to whom
it may concern.


Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell University)

Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)

Michel Brion (Université de Grenoble)

Alain Bruguieres (Université de Montpellier)

Pedro Luis del Ángel (CIMAT, Guanajuato) Bojana Femic (Universidad de la

Gerardo González-Sprinberg

André Leroy (Université d'Artois) Alexandre Miquel (Universidad de la

Andy Magid (University of Oklahoma)
Antonio Montalbán (University of California, Berkeley)

Sonia Natale (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)

Antonio Paques (Universidade Federal de Porto Alegre)

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Iván Shestakov (Universidade de Sao Paulo)

Blas Torrecillas (Universidad de Almería) # REGISTRATION AND CONTRIBUTED
TALKS. Contributed talks are welcomed. There is no registration fee.
Deadline for registration is Februrary 10th, 2019. For registration,
submissions, program and local information, go to the conference website:
https://quantum2019.github.io/ # ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Mariana Haim, Ignacio
López and Alvaro Rittatore (Universidad de la República).

Please forward this e-mail to whom it may concern.

Mariana Haim
Centro de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias
Montevideo, Uruguay.
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