[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario Sistemas Dinámicos

mcarrasco mcarrasco en fing.edu.uy
Mie Mayo 24 15:12:32 UYT 2017


este viernes a las 14:30 en el salón de seminarios del IMERL tenemos  
el placer de recibir a Jonas Deré (Universidad de Leuven).

Abajo título y resumen.


Title: Which manifolds admit expanding maps?

Abstract: In 1981, M. Gromov completed the proof that every manifold  
admitting an expanding map is, up to finite cover, homeomorphic to a  
nilmanifold. Since then it was an open question to give an algebraic  
characterization of the nilmanifolds admitting an expanding map.  
During my talk, I will start by introducing the basic notions of  
expanding maps and nilmanifolds. Then I explain how the existence of  
such an expanding map only depends on the covering Lie group and on  
the existence of certain gradings on the corresponding Lie algebra.  
One of the applications is the construction of a nilmanifold admitting  
an Anosov diffeomorphism but no expanding map, which is the first  
example of this type.

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