[EstudiantesMatemática] Charla fuera de fecha

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Jul 18 18:44:21 UYT 2016

Finalmente el horario quedó para las 14hrs en el IMERL.


2016-07-16 18:04 GMT-03:00 Rafael Potrie <rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy>:

> Este Miércoles a las 13 horas escucharíamos a Pierre-Antoine Guilleneuf
> (UFF).
> Contactarse con A. Passeggi si están interesados y no pueden en ese
> horario.
> sds
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Discretizations of linear maps, and applications to diffeomorphisms
> Is it possible to rotate many times a numerical image without losing too
> much quality? In this talk we will study this problem for the most stupid
> algorithm for discrete rotation: discretizations. By definition, the image
> of a point x by the discretization of the linear map A is the point of Z^n
> closest from Ax. This defines an endomorphism  of Z^n, in general non
> injective; the default of injectivity - i.e. the loss of quality of the
> image - is measured by the density of the image Â(Z^n).
> This talk will be centered on the following theorem: the density of the
> set (Â_k o Â_{k-1} o ... o Â_1)(Z^n) tends to 0 as k tends to infinity,
> when the sequence (A_k) is generic among sequence of matrices of
> determinant 1. I will try to explain why this result can be applied to
> study discretizations of generic $C^1$-diffeomorphisms, from both
> combinatorial and ergodic viewpoints. The end of the talk will be devoted
> to  some ideas of the proof that involves ideas from the theory of
> quasicrystals.
> --
> Rafael Potrie
> rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
> http://www.cmat.edu.uy/~rpotrie/

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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