[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de álgebra del IMERL

Ana Gonzalez anagon en fing.edu.uy
Mie Nov 18 16:51:27 UYT 2015

Hola a todos,
este viernes vamos a contar con la participación del profesor Octavio  
Mendoza, de la UNAM, DF, que nos va hablar sobre:

Title: Relative Igusa-Todorov functions for abelian length-categories

Joint work in process with Marcelo Lanzilotta

Abstract: We develope the theory of the X-relative Igusa-Todorov functions
in an abelian length-category C, with enough projectives, where X is a  
and a generator class in C. In the case when C=mod (A), for some artin
algebra A, and X is the class of projective modules in C, we recover the
usual Igusa-Todorov functions.  We use the setting of the Auslander-Solberg
relative homological theory to generalize the original Igusta-Todorov's

Nos vemos el viernes a las 11:15 en el salón de seminarios del IMERL.
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