[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de álgebra del IMERL

Ana Gonzalez anagon en fing.edu.uy
Jue Mayo 21 14:18:34 UYT 2015

Hola a todos,
este viernes vamos a contar con la visita del Profesor Artem Lopatin,  
de la Universidad Estatal de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil.

Título: Invariants of representations of quivers.

Resumen:  A quiver is a finite oriented graph possibly with loops and  
double arrows. To obtain a representation of the quiver we assign  
vector spaces to its vertices and linear maps along arrows. The set of  
all representations of the fixed dimension vector is called the  
representation space of the quiver. A set of all polynomial maps from  
the representation space of the quiver to the field that are invariant  
with respect to the change of bases of the 'vertex' vector spaces is  
called the algebra of invariants of the quiver. We will consider some  
generalizations that allow us to consider bilinear maps on the  
'vertex' vector spaces as well as linear maps between them.

Les recuerdo que el seminario es viernes a las 11:15 en el salón de  
seminarios del IMERL.


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