[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Fwd: Diffusion of phd position

Paola Bermolen paola en fing.edu.uy
Mie Mayo 6 08:54:43 UYT 2015

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Fwd: Diffusion of phd position
Fecha: 	Tue, 5 May 2015 13:27:53 -0300
De: 	Pablo Musé <pmuse en fing.edu.uy>
Para: 	Gregory Randall <randall en fing.edu.uy>, Alicia Fernández 
<alicia en fing.edu.uy>, Alvaro Gómez <agomez en fing.edu.uy>, Ignacio Ramirez 
Paulino <nacho en fing.edu.uy>, Federico Lecumberry <fefo en fing.edu.uy>, 
Mauricio Delbracio <mdelbra en gmail.com>, Marcelo Fiori 
<mfiori en fing.edu.uy>, Martín Rocamora <rocamora en fing.edu.uy>
CC: 	Federico Larroca - IIE <flarroca en fing.edu.uy>, Paola Bermolen 
<paola en fing.edu.uy>

> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *antoni buades <toni.buades en gmail.com 
> <mailto:toni.buades en gmail.com>>
> *Subject: **Diffusion of phd position*
> *Date: *May 5, 2015 at 12:57:24 PM GMT-3
> *To: *undisclosed-recipients:;
> Dear colleague,
> We’ll thank-you to diffuse this PhD position among students of your 
> group or university.
> Best regards,
> Tomeu Coll and Toni Buades
> —————
> A PhD position opens at the mathematics image processing and computer 
> vision group at University of Balearic Islands, Spain.
> The candidate will work in image sequence restoration and 3D 
> reconstruction under the supervision of B. Coll and A. Buades.
> Candidates must have, or expect to obtain a Master's degree in 
> Computer Vision or a related discipline.
> The applicants should hold a solid background in mathematics, computer 
> vision and skills in programming, preferably in C/C++.
> Please submit the following information:
> • An up to date CV.
> • A current degree transcript(s) with full details of performance on 
> all completed courses.
> • Two academic references.
> If you wish to further discuss the details of this PhD project or 
> apply for this position please contact
> B. Coll (tomeu.coll en uib.cat <mailto:tomeu.coll en uib.cat> ) or A. Buades 
> (toni.buades en gmail.com <mailto:toni.buades en gmail.com> ).

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