[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: [Todos CMAT] Fwd: Stable limit cycles in nonlinear switched systems

Martin Sambarino samba en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Jun 9 20:20:16 UYT 2015

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eleonora Catsigeras <eleonora en fing.edu.uy>
Date: 2015-06-09 17:51 GMT-03:00
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Fwd: Stable limit cycles in nonlinear switched systems
To: todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy, todos en cmat.edu.uy, Leonardo Barboni
<ing.barboni en gmail.com>, "Arturo C. Marti" <arturomarti en gmail.com>,
Sandra Kahan <skahan en fing.edu.uy>, Pierre Guiraud
<pierre.guiraud en uv.cl>, Arnaud Meyroneinc <ameyrone en ivic.gob.ve>

Por favor difundir el anuncio al pie, entre estudiantes de grado y
posgrado que puedan estar interesados.

El anuncio informa sobre un curso breve en el Depto de Matemática de
la University of Texas at Dallas, sobre aplicaciones a la ingeniería
robótica de la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos con discontinuidades,
en particular de la dinámica de billares con singularidades y los
mapas n-dimensionales contractivos a trozos. Se ofrecen becas para
estudiantes de grado y de posgrado.  Gracias, saludos, Eleonora

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Makarenkov, Oleg <makarenkov en utdallas.edu>
Date: 2015-06-09 16:00 GMT-03:00
Subject: Stable limit cycles in nonlinear switched systems

Dear Colleague,

you received this email because I read one of your papers on limit
cycles in switched systems (likely with applications in robotics, car
braking design or power converters) and probably used them in my
switched systems course


Financial support to undergraduate and graduate students is available.

The website of the school: http://www.utdallas.edu/ds2015/

The announcement of the school is attached below.

Best wishes,
Oleg Makarenkov.


Dear Students,

Summer School on Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems will be held on August
4-6, 2015 at the University of Texas at Dallas. The three courses of
the school will describe modern tools that help understanding the
dynamics of Elliptical Billiards, Hysteresis Phenomena and Switched
Systems. The elliptical billiards provide instructive examples of
integrable systems; their dynamical properties follow from the
geometry of pencils of conics and the arithmetic of related elliptic
curves. The switched systems component will be centered around
bifurcation theory, which proved to be a powerful tool in predicting
limit cycles in anti-lock braking systems, passive walking robots, and
other engineering models. Finally, the school will cover the
infinite-dimensional operator framework required to model hysteresis
phenomena that are common in plasticity, magnetism, friction,
sorption, phase transitions, smart materials, biology and economics.
Limited financial support is available for undergraduate and master
students. Lectures will start at 9:00 and finish at 13:30.

Send a message to Oleg Makarenkov at makarenkov en utdallas.edu to
register for the school. Participation in the school is free. Please
mention whether or not you are interested to present a poster during
the school.

The webpage of the school: http://www.utdallas.edu/ds2015/

Best wishes,
Oleg Makarenkov.

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Texas at Dallas

Lista Todos CMAT
Todos en cmat.edu.uy

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