[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Measured group theory winter school, Feb 1 - 12, 2016, ESI, Vienna

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Mar Jul 21 08:41:39 UYT 2015

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---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "Damien Gaboriau" <damien.gaboriau en ens-lyon.fr>
Fecha: jul. 21, 2015 6:13 AM
Asunto: Measured group theory winter school, Feb 1 - 12, 2016, ESI, Vienna
Para: "Gaboriau Damien" <damien.gaboriau en ens-lyon.fr>

Dear all,

Please distribute this among young researchers who may be interested.
A poster is attached.

This is an advertisement of a winter school in measured group theory,
with the dates February 1 – 12, 2016, at the Erwin Schrödinger
Institute, Vienna, Austria, organized by Miklos Abert, Goulnara
Arzhantseva, Damien Gaboriau, Thomas Schick and Andreas Thom.

(This is part of the activities of the ANR project GAMME

The school is a part of the thematic program ‘Measured group theory’
held at ESI January 18 -- March 18, 2016. See
www.uni-math.gwdg.de/schick/ESI16/esi16_1.html for details. The
program for the school is:

Week 1 (Feb 1 – 5):
Gabor Elek: Sofic groups
Yair Glasner: Spaces of subgroups and IRS
Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain: An algebraic proof of the strong Atiyah
conjecture for free groups
Jesse Peterson: Character rigidity
Brandon Seward: Sofic and Rokhlin entropy

Week 2 (Feb 8 – 12):
Tsachik Gelander: Asymptotic invariants of lattices in Lie groups
Francois le Maitre: Full groups, topological rank and cost
Narutaka Ozawa: Noncommutative real algebraic geometry: Kazhdan's
property (T) and
Connes's embedding conjecture
Todor Tsankov: Automorphism groups and their actions
Robin Tucker-Drob: Borel and measured equivalence relations and trees

If you have any questions about the program, contact one of the organizers.

Applications to the school should be sent to creinha en uni-math.gwdg.de.
If you are a young researcher, also ask a senior researcher (typically
your advisor) to send a short reference email to the same address. The
selected participants will be provided some financial support to cover
their local expenses. In exceptional cases, some financial support for
travel will also be provided.

The application email should contain the following information,
preferably following the format below:

- Your name:
- Email:
- Affiliation:
- Research topic:
- Your advisor’s name (if you are a student):
- Weeks of the school you are applying to:
- Do you need per diem and/or travel support:

Best regards,

The organizers
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