[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Announcement: CIMPA School 'Hyperbolic groups and their representations'

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Jul 8 12:14:39 UYT 2015

Les reenvio este congreso que se hará en Piriapolis el ańo que viene. Los
estudiantes son particularmente bienvenidos y habrán minicursos básicos (y
no tanto). Es posible que se realicen algunos cursos preparatorios en marzo

Notar que hay hasta diciembre para anotarse!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrés Sambarino <andres.sambarino en gmail.com>
Date: 2015-06-18 12:02 GMT-03:00
Subject: Announcement: CIMPA School 'Hyperbolic groups and their
To: Pablo Guarino <pablo.guarino en gmail.com>, Gabriel Calsamiglia <
gcalsamiglia en gmail.com>, andrés navas <andres.navas en usach.cl>, Juan Alonso <
j.alonso29 en gmail.com>, Richard Canary <canary en umich.edu>, mati <
matiascapi en gmail.com>, Sébastien Alvarez <sebko.alvarez en gmail.com>, Martin
Bridgeman <bridgem en bc.edu>, "john.mackay en bristol.ac.uk" <
john.mackay en bristol.ac.uk>, "Carlos H. Vasquez" <cvasqueze en gmail.com>,
Jairo Bochi <jairo.bochi en gmail.com>, Fanny Kassel <
Fanny.Kassel en math.univ-lille1.fr>, WOLFF Maxime <maxime.wolff en imj-prg.fr>,
jvieitez en fing.edu.uy, aubin arroyo <aubinarroyo en gmail.com>,
lauret en famaf.unc.edu.ar, UBA Nancy Guelman - IMERL <nguelman en fing.edu.uy>,
Rafael Potrie <rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy>, Yves Cornulier <
yves.cornulier en math.u-psud.fr>, Pablo Lessa <pablitolessa en gmail.com>,
COURTOIS Gilles <gilles.courtois en imj-prg.fr>, bourdon en math.univ-lille1.fr

Dear colleagues,

We would be pleased and grateful if you forwarded this information
to interested colleagues and students.

A short program on Geometry of Groups will be held in Uruguay in April

- First event: CIMPA School from March 31st through April 9th 2016
- Second event - Workshop from April 11th through April 15th (a website is
currently under construction)

The CIMPA school is titled 'Hyperbolic groups and their representations'
and will be held in Piriapolis/Uruguay. It consists on 5 mini-courses aimed
to graduate students and young researchers to be given by:

Juan Alonso & Juliana Xavier
Martin Bridgeman
Fanny Kassel
John Mackay
Maxime Wolff

Please note that the deadline for registration for the CIMPA school is
December 13th.

The week following the school there will be a Workshop in Montevideo with
mini-courses by

Jean-Francois Quint
Romain Tessera
Karen Vogtmann.

Other lecturers will be announced later on.

Best wishes

Juan Alonso
Matias Carrasco
Nancy Guelman
Andres Sambarino

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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