[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Anuncio de Summer camp on Applied Differential Equations

Paola Bermolen paola en fing.edu.uy
Mie Abr 29 11:05:37 UYT 2015


Les envío un anuncio de escuela de verano en KAUST (Arabia Saudita) 
donde hay un grupo de colegas uruguayos trabajando.


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Anuncio de Summer camp on Applied Differential Equations
Fecha: 	Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:07:28 +0200
De: 	Marco Scavino <m_scavino en hotmail.com>
Para: 	INGEMAT <ingenieria.matematica en fing.edu.uy>

Hola a todos,

Les agradezco difundir entre posible interesados (estudiantes avanzados 
de grado e incipientes de posgrado)
el anuncio, adjunto abajo, acerca de un campamento de verano en 
ecuaciones diferenciales aplicadas en KAUST.

Muchos saludos,

*From:* Raul F. Tempone
*Sent:* Monday, April 27, 2015 6:33 PM
*To:* Marco Scavino; Fabian Crocce Flores
*Subject:* Fwd: Summer camp

*Advanced (third and fourth year) undergraduate students …. join us for 
a unique experience!!*

The First Summer Camp on Applied Differential Equations will be held at 
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi 
Arabia, on the Red Sea from August 23 to September 10, 2015,

The summer camp on Applied Differential Equations comprises three 
closely related modules:

- Ordinary differential equations
- Numerical Methods
- Mathematical Modeling

covering qualitative theory of differential equations and its many 
applications, from mechanical systems to engineering, numerical 
implementation, and modeling of real-world problems. There will be 
lectures delivered by KAUST Faculty and Research Scientists (Rita 
Ferreira, Diogo Gomes, George Turkiyyah), lab visits, and an individual 
project.  In addition, the camp will include a social and cultural program.

Successful applicants will receive full funding for travel, health 
insurance, private bedroom and bath in shared residential suite, 
  academic credit and an allowance for incidental expenses for the 
three-week period of study at KAUST. KAUST will award 3 credits upon 
successful completion of the course.  A valid passport is required.  
KAUST will make all visa and travel arrangements.

The application deadline is May 31st, 2015, through:


Qualifications and backgrounds:Currently enrolled baccalaureates in the 
third or fourth year of a program in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics or 
closely related areas (e.g. Physics, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering).

> R. Tempone, PhD
> SRI Director - Center for Uncertainty Quantification
> in Computational Science & Engineering
> Professor of Applied Mathematics;
> Division of Mathematics & Computer, Electrical 
> and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering (CEMSE)
> Building #1 (UN 1550), Office No 4109, Level 4
> 4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
> Thuwal 23955-6900, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
> http://www.kaust.edu.sa 
> <https://webmail.kaust.edu.sa/owa/redir.aspx?C=1O_SPX8CS023g7iOkSc5fLQto0OwVNIIrt7-CVGK4Cg03RdqkQRlK8u5j58zi_b5U1NDfTB4LKA.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.kaust.edu.sa%2f>
> http://sri-uq.kaust.edu.sa 
> <https://webmail.kaust.edu.sa/owa/redir.aspx?C=1O_SPX8CS023g7iOkSc5fLQto0OwVNIIrt7-CVGK4Cg03RdqkQRlK8u5j58zi_b5U1NDfTB4LKA.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsri-uq.kaust.edu.sa%2f>
>>> http://stochastic_numerics.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/Home.aspx 
>>> <https://webmail.kaust.edu.sa/owa/redir.aspx?C=1O_SPX8CS023g7iOkSc5fLQto0OwVNIIrt7-CVGK4Cg03RdqkQRlK8u5j58zi_b5U1NDfTB4LKA.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fstochastic_numerics.kaust.edu.sa%2fPages%2fHome.aspx>

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