[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Seminario - python para computacion cientifica

Paola Bermolen paola en fing.edu.uy
Mar Mayo 20 16:41:49 UYT 2014

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	Seminario - python para computacion cientifica
Fecha: 	Tue, 20 May 2014 14:09:26 -0300 (UYT)
De: 	Martin Rocamora - IIE <rocamora en fing.edu.uy>
Para: 	todos_iie en fing.edu.uy
CC: 	paola en fing.edu.uy, lj en eumus.edu.uy, apardo en ucu.edu.uy

La semana proxima tendremos la visita de Thomas Grill, investigador de la
OFAI (Austria), que trabaja en el grupo de Intelligent Music Processing
and Machine Learning.

Estara dando un seminario de python para computacion cientifica, cuyos
detalles estan mas abajo. Estan todos invitados y les agradezco que avisen
a otros posibles interesados.

Fecha: Martes 27 de Mayo
Hora : 14:00 a 17:00 hrs
Lugar: Salon azul, tercer piso de Facultad de Ingenieria (UDELAR)

This workshop is an introduction into scientific computing with python.
Attendees should already have a basic understanding of Python (having
worked through the official tutorial). Topics covered include working with
multidimensional data, plotting and storing data, tools from the domain
of machine learning and an excursion into methods of speeding up

Come with your laptop which should have installed
Python 2.7.x (http://python.org) ... if you have 2.6 already installed,
this works as well.
numerical python aka numpy, http://www.numpy.org/, version 1.8.x
matplotlib http://matplotlib.org/, version 1.3.x
scientific python aka scipy, http://www.scipy.org/, version 0.13.x
scikit-learn aka sklearn, http://scikit-learn.org/, version 0.14

Optional, but quite helpful is ipython, http://ipython.org/, version 2.0

Advanced packages for speed optimization (optional):
cython - http://cython.org/
theano - http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/
pyfftw3 - https://launchpad.net/pyfftw/

Official tutorial: https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial

Thomas Grill


Martin Rocamora

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