[EstudiantesMatemática] Otro recordatorio: Conferencias del prof. Pierre Cartier esta semana

Paula Verdugo pauliverdugo en hotmail.com
Lun Mar 24 08:53:26 UYT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:46:25 -0300From: Lydia Tappa <lydia en cmat.edu.uy>To: todos_imerl <todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy>, todos <todos en cmat.edu.uy>,  Walter Ferrer <wrferrer en cmat.edu.uy>, Enrique M. Cabaña <ecabana en ccee.edu.uy>,  Alfredo Jones <alfredojones1 en gmail.com>Subject: [Todos CMAT] RECORDATORIO: CONFERENCIAS DEL PROF. CARTIER
El Prof. Cartier realizará una  visita a Uruguay del 24 al 28 de Marzo.
Dictará dos conferencias de interés general y otras charlas de interés másespecífico.
*25 de Marzo 2014,    18 hs. a 19.30 hs*Dictará una charla de interés general para matemáticos y físicos.Facultad de Ciencias/Iguá 4225 casi Mataojo.Salón 205-* The use of groupoids in differential geometry and mathematical physics .*ABSTRACT : It is an accepted principle , after the Erlangen programme ofKlein ,that the notions of symmetry and group are synonymous . The notion ofsymmetry is deeper and encompasses for instance "local symmetries" . Abetter mathematical representation of local symmetries is provided by the"pseudo-group" of E. Cartan and the "Lie groupoid" of Ch. Ehresmann . Ishallexplain how to give a new presentation of differential geometry by usingextensively Lie groupoids . The basic principles of Einstein generalrelativity arebetter understood in this framework .

*28 de Marzo 2014, 18.30--20.00*Espacio Interdisciplinario/José E. Rodó 1843 casi Frugoni.Dictará una charla de interés general para científicos y filósofos.*- From the 2Oth to the 21th century : the fate of structures inmathematics .*ABSTRACT : The notion of "structure" structured the development ofmathematics during a large part of the 20th century . I will recall the mainfeatures of this ambitious programme , and then try to depict the newtrends inthe development of mathematical research at present . Theinternationalizationof mathematics , the growing importance of the applications , the change ofparadigm issued from the use of computer and the new age of communicationwill all be mentioned and put in perspective . We shall conclude bydescribingthe ambitious programme of Voevodsky for new foundations . 		 	   		  
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