[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Dynamics in Senegal

Martin Sambarino samba en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Mar 19 19:57:28 UYT 2014

de interés para estudiantes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it>
Date: 2014-03-19 19:21 GMT-03:00
Subject: Dynamics in Senegal
To: Stefano Luzzatto <luzzatto en ictp.it>

Dear friends and colleagues,

THE (first!)
ICTP-NLAGA SCHOOL in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory
will take place in
from the
4th June-14th June 2014.

Minicourses will be given by:

Alves, Bonatti, Buczolich, Luzzatto, Viana.

They will be challenging courses aimed at Master's or Beginning PhD
level, thus only a strong general mathematical background will be

This school is open to students from EVERY COUNTRY. It is a great
opportunity for students from developing countries but also for
students from all other countries to experience Africa and participate
in a top level school in a very international context. While priority
for funding will be given to students from developing countries,
funding is also available for students from developed countries.

Please distribute this message and encourage your students to apply.

Information and online application form from the ICTP website


Stefano Luzzatto
Mathematics Section
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy
Tel +39 040 2240253
luzzatto en ictp.it
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