[EstudiantesMatemática] Visita del prof. Pierre Cartier

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Mie Mar 12 12:03:11 UYT 2014


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Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 23:26:31 -0300
From: Walter Ferrer <wrferrer en gmail.com>
To: todos <todos en cmat.edu.uy>
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Visita del prof. Pierre Cartier

El Prof. Pierre Cartier del IHES--Francia, visitará Montevideo durante al
mes de marzo (lunes 24 al viernes 28 de marzo 2014) y dará dos conferencias.

Cartier es uno de los fundadores del grupo Bourbaki, colaborador de
Alexander Grothendieck y trabaja en diversas partes  de la matemática
incluyendo aspectos filosóficos y sociales.

Dictará durante su estadía en Motevideo dos conferencias de interés para un
público amplio --y quizá una tercera mas específica a combinar-- que se
describen a continuación

*1- From the  2Oth to the 21th century : the fate of structures in
mathematics .      ABSTRACT : The notion of "structure" structured the
development of mathematics during a large part of the 20th century . I will
recall the main features of this ambitious programme , and then try to
depict the new trends in the development of mathematical research at
present . The internationalization of mathematics , the growing importance
of the applications , the change of paradigm issued from the use of
computer and the new age of communication will all be mentioned and put in
perspective . We shall conclude by describing the ambitious programme of
Voevodsky for new foundations .   

2) The use of groupoids in differential
geometry and mathematical physics .       ABSTRACT : It is an accepted
principle , after the Erlangen programme of Klein , that the notions of
symmetry and group are synonymous . The notion of symmetry is deeper and
encompasses for instance "local symmetries" . A better mathematical
representation of local symmetries is provided by the "pseudo-group" of E.
Cartan and the "Lie groupoid" of Ch. Ehresmann . I shall explain how to
give a new presentation of differential geometry by using extensively Lie
groupoids . The basic principles of Einstein general relativity are better
understood in this framework .*
Los lugares y los horarios específicos serán comunicados a la brevedad.

la visita del prof. Cartier será financiada conjuntamente por el IFUM, el
Pedeciba matemática y el Espacio Interdisciplinario de la UdelaR.

Walter Ferrer
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