[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario Sistemas Dinámicos

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Mar Mar 11 12:17:58 UYT 2014

Hola todos,

Este viernes 14 (a las 14.30 en el IMERL) retomamos el Seminario de
Sistemas Dinámicos.

En esta ocasión nos visita Kamlesh Parwani (EIU y Northwestern) que hablará
sobre "Symmetric Random Walks on The Line". El resumen va debajo. Son todos



Kamlesh Parwani (EIU and Nortwestern) "Symmetric random walks on the line"


We study symmetric random walks on finitely generated groups of
orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the real line. We establish an
oscillation property for the induced Markov chain on the line that implies
a weak form of recurrence. As a byproduct, we recover the fact that every
finitely generated group of homeomorphisms of the real line is
topologically conjugate to a group of (globally) Lipschitz homeomorphisms.
This is joint work with B. Deroin, V. Kleptsyn, and A. Navas.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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