[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: Thurston Memorial Conference

Andrés Sambarino elsamba en gmail.com
Sab Ene 25 10:56:00 UYST 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Benson Farb <farb en math.uchicago.edu>
Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 5:27 AM
Subject: Thurston Memorial Conference
To: grads en math.uchicago.edu, junior en math.uchicago.edu

Am forwarding an email I just received. This should be one of the most
important geometry/topology/groups/dynamics conferences in years.


Dear Colleagues,

This is the second announcement of  the conference “What’s Next? The
mathematical legacy of Bill Thurston,”  to be held at Cornell University
from Monday, June 23rd  - Friday, June 27th , 2014.  Information about
speakers and activities can be found below the registration information.

Registration for the Conference is now open.  Please register at
http://www.math.cornell.edu/napp/thu/app1.php if you are planning to
attend.  We need you to register so that we have an accurate count for
planning purposes. When you register you will have the option of also
registering for the  conference banquet, which will be at the Statler Hotel
on June 26th, Registration for both the conference and banquet is due by
June 1, 2014.   Due to various organizational constraints we cannot accept
late registrations.

Housing:  The registration page includes a link to information about
housing.  Options include campus dormitory housing and blocks of rooms in
local hotels.  If you choose on campus housing you will need to register
and make payment directly via Cornell Conference Services. If you choose
hotel housing you will need to make your reservation by the date that is
provided next to the hotel of your choice.

We anticipate that limited financial support will be available to help with
travel and accommodation expenses. Information on this and the form for
requesting support will be available at the registration site.  The
Financial Support Request deadline is March 20, 2014.  Young researchers
and underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

The website for the conference is: http://www.math.cornell.edu/~thurston/.

Conference activities

Plenary speakers will include

•             Ian Agol, University of California at Berkeley
•             Mladen Bestvina, University of Utah
•             Michel Boileau, Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse
•             Danny Calegari, University of Chicago
•             Benson Farb, University of Chicago
•             Etienne Ghys, Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon
•             Rick Kenyon, Brown University
•             Francois Labourie, Universite Paris-Sud Orsay
•             Tan Lei, Université d'Angers
•             Vlad Markovic, University of Cambridge
•             Dusa McDuff, SUNY Stony Brook
•             Curtis McMullen, Harvard University
•             John Milnor, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Stony Brook
•             Yair Minsky, Yale University
•             Yi Ni, California Institute of Technology
•             Alan Reid, University of Texas at Austin
•             Mitsuhiro Shishikura, Kyoto University
•             Dennis Sullivan, SUNY Stony Brook
•             Anna Wienhard, University of Heidelberg and Princeton
•             Dani Wise, McGill University
•             Anton Zorich, University Paris 7 Jussieu

In addition there will be an evening public lecture by Jeff Weeks, a
mathematical film festival, a presentation by Kelly Delp about her work
with Thurston on constructing models of surfaces, software presentations by
Nathan Dunfield and Rich Schwarz, exhibits of digital artwork and
mathematical models, curated by Sarah Koch and Dylan Thurston and a panel
discussion on the topic of communicating mathematics.

A conference poster is available at http://www.math.cornell.edu/~
thurston/poster.pdf.  Please display the conference poster at your
institution and pass along the information about the conference to others
you think may be interested in attending.

General inquiries should be addressed to:
ThurstonLegacyConference2014 en math.cornell.edu

We look forward to seeing you in Ithaca!

Thurston Legacy Conference Organizers
Department of Mathematics
Cornell University
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