[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario Dinámica- IMERL- Isabelle Liousse.

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Ago 6 11:12:18 UYT 2014


Este viernes 14.30 en el IMERL esucharemos a Isabelle Liousse (Universite
Lille 1) que hablará sobre "Dynamics and distortion in groups of affine
interval exchanges". El resumen está abajo.

Son todos bienvenidos,



Title : Dynamics and distortion in groups of affine interval exchanges.

Abstract : In 2009, C. Novak proved that the group of all interval
exchanges does not contain distortion elements. It is still an open
question if this holds for the largest group of all affine interval
exchanges.  I will explain a joint  result with H. HMILI  : "The Thompson
group V (i.e. consisting of all dyadic affine interval exchanges) does not
contain distortion elements".  This theorem is a consequence of  some
dynamical properties of dyadic  affine interval exchanges.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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