[EstudiantesMatemática]Fwd: Doctorados en España

Gonzalo Tornaria tornaria en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Oct 25 08:15:08 UYST 2013

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Call for 8 PhD positions at ICMAT, Madrid -- Hitchin LAB
From:    "OSCAR  GARCIA-PRADA" <oscar.garcia-prada en icmat.es>
Date:    Thu, October 24, 2013 7:18 pm
To:      oscar.garcia-prada en icmat.es

Dear friends,

I wish to call your attention to the following call for applications
for 8 PhD  positions at ICMAT, Madrid:


In particular, at least one of these positions will be attached to the
Laboratory at ICMAT, and the PhD student will have Professor Nigel Hitchin as

The deadline for applications is 31 October!!!

Many thanks in advance for circulating this!

Best wishes

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