[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario Dinámica Viernes 22 de noviembre.

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Nov 20 04:09:11 UYST 2013

Hola todos,

Este viernes a la hora usual del seminario (14.30 en el IMERL) escucharemos
a  Hyungryul Baik (Universidad de Cornell, EEUU) que hablará sobre
of Three-Manifold Groups and Laminations of the Circle". Abajo va el
resumen de su charla.



Viernes 22 de noviembre, Hyungryul Baik (Cornell): "Circular-Orderability
of Three-Manifold Groups and Laminations of the Circle"

Resumen: We will discuss the connection between the circular-orderability
of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M and the existence of certain
codimension-1 foliations on M via Thurston's universal circle theory. This
theory provides a motivation to study group actions on the circle with
dense invariant laminations. As an one lower dimensional example, we will
give a complete characterization of Fuchsian groups in terms of its
(topological) invariant laminations.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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