[EstudiantesMatemática]Jornada de Geometría y Dinámica

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Mayo 13 10:33:58 UYT 2013


Les escribo para recordarles que este miércoles 15 de mayo a las 14.00 en

Nos visitan dos profesores de Estados Unidos y se realizará una jornada con
charlas de ambos (y comida en el medio!). Están todos invitados.

Les paso los tìtulos y resumenes (que también los pueden encontrar en

14.00: Richard Canary <http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~canary/> (University
of Michigan) "Dynamics on Character Varieties"
Abstract: It is a beautiful classical result that the mapping class group of
a closed orientable surface acts properly discontinuously on the Teichmuller
space of hyperbolic structures on the surface. One may view the mapping
class group as an index two subgroup of the group of outer automorphisms of
the fundamental group  of the surface and view Teichmuller space as a
of the space of (conjugacy classes of) representations of the surface group

It is natural then to search more generally for domains of discontinuity of
the action of the outer
automorphism of a group on the character variety of representations of the
group into some Lie
group. We will survey some results in this direction, with an emphasis on
the case
when the Lie group is PSL(2,C).

15.45:  Martin Bridgeman <https://www2.bc.edu/~bridgem/> (Boston
College): "Moments
of the boundary hitting function for geodesic flow".

Abstract. We consider finite volume hyperbolic manifold with non-empty
totally geodesic boundary. We consider the distribution of the time for
geodesic flow to hit the boundary and derive a formula for the moments of
the associated random variable in terms of the orthospectrum. We show that
the the first two moments correspond to two cases of known identities for
the orthospectrum. We further obtain an explicit formula in terms of the
trilogarithm functions for the average time for the geodesic flow to hit
the boundary in the surface case, using the third moment. This is joint
work with S. P. Tan.

Para los participantes del seminario de dinámica, voy anunciando que este
viernes tendremos la continuación de la charla de Martín Sambarino.

Nos vemos.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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