[EstudiantesMatemática] Charla Mike Shub- Martes 17/12 a las 16hrs CMAT.

Rafael Potrie rpotrie en cmat.edu.uy
Vie Dic 13 11:20:54 UYST 2013

Hola todos,

Les recuerdo (y les volvere a recordar la semana pròxima) que el próximo
Martes 17 a las 16 horas escucharemos a Michael
Shub<https://sites.google.com/site/shubmichael/>(CUNY) en el CMAT.

El título de la charla es "Periodic points for endomorphisms of the
two-sphere" (el resumen va adjunto abajo). Vale la pena remarcar que el
tema de la charla es completamente elemental (ver abstract).

Nos vemos ahi,

el gordo



   Martes 17 de diciembre, Michael
Shub<https://sites.google.com/site/shubmichael/> (CUNY)
   "Periodic points for endomorphisms of the two-sphere".

Abstract: Is the growth rate of periodic points for any C^r degree two map
from the two sphere to itself at least log 2?
In joint work with Charles Pugh we prove the theorem when the latitude
foliation is preserved. We present some further results and ideas. Both the
smoothness and degree are necessary.  There are counterexamples when the
map is merely Lipschitz and when the topological entropy is log 2 but the
degree is 0.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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