[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario Dinàmica

Rafael Potrie rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
Mie Abr 10 12:48:42 UYT 2013


Este viernes (a las 14.30 en el IMERL) recibimos a Ludovic Rifford de la
Universidad de Niza (Francia). Abajo va titulo y resumen, son todos


el gordo

Title : Generic Aubry sets on surfaces

Abstract: Given a Tonelli Hamiltonian on a compact manifold, we can
construct a compact invariant subset of the cotangent bundle enjoying
variational properties which has the distinguished property of being a
Lipschitz graph. This set called Aubry set captures many important features
of the Hamiltonian dynamics. Fathi established a bridge between the
Aubry-Mather theory and the properties of viscosity solutions and
subsolutions of the critical Hamilton-Jacobi equation, thus giving rise to
the weak KAM theory. A famous open problem concerning the structure of the
Aubry set is the so-called Mañé conjecture, which states that, for a
generic Hamiltonian, the Aubry set is a hyperbolic orbit. The aim of this
talk is to present some of the ideas to prove that generic Aubry sets on
surfaces are hyperbolic. This is a joint work with Alessio Figalli and
Gonzalo Contreras.

Rafael Potrie
rafaelpotrie en gmail.com
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