[EstudiantesMatemática] Fw: Cimpa School Brazil 2013 Second Announcement

Bruno Stonek bstonek en cmat.edu.uy
Mie Oct 3 09:35:54 UYT 2012

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 Dear Colleagues,

This is the second announcement of the Cimpa Research School “Algebraic
and Geometric Aspects of Representation Theory” which will take place
in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. The school will be held from February
25 to March 09, 2013 at the Department of Mathematics of Universidade
Federal do Paraná.

This is a two-weeks event: the first week is concerned with the study of
algebraic aspects of Representation Theory, and the second one is
devoted to introduce geometric tools in connection with Representation
Theory. During both weeks we will offer courses aimed to undergraduate
and graduate students. The courses programmed for the first week are
- "Auslander-Reiten Theory", Ibrahim Assem (Université de Sherbrooke -
- "Hopf algebras and quivers", Rachel Teillefer (Université Blaise
Pascal - France)
- "Introduction to homological algebra", Mariano Suarez Álvarez
(Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina)
- "Introduction to Representation Theory", Patrick Le-Meur (Université
Blaise Pascal - France)

The courses scheduled for the second week are the following:
- "Introduction to Representation Theory of compact Lie groups",
Reimundo Heluani (IMPA - Brazil)
- "Generalized flag manifolds", Luiz San Martin (Universidade Estadual
de Campinas - Brazil)
- "Representations of braid groups via holonomy", Camilo Arias Abad
(Universitat Zurich - Switzerland)

There will be also invited talks given by specialists in representation
theory and related topics. For more information about the school, please
visit the local homepage of the event


You can also visit the official CIMPA homepage of the school

We plan to offer a limited number of fellowships for students, covering
local expenses and travel assistance. Information about the application
procedure for financial support is available at the website of the
school. On one hand, we would like to encourage students and young
researcher from outside Brazil to participate in this event. We have
confirmed funds for students from outside Brazil. On the other hand, we
are waiting the answer from the Brazilian agencies in order to support
students and young researchers from Brazil. Thus, we also recommend to
students and other participants from Brazil to apply for additional
funds at their own institutions.
Regarding the registration procedure, participants from outside Brazil
will have to register at CIMPA filling a registration form which can be
found at the address


*Note that the deadline for application for participants from outside
Brazil is November 11, 2012.*

Similarly, participants from Brazil will have to register at the local
homepage of the school by filling the form available at

*Please, observe that the deadline for application for participants from
Brazil is November 20, 2012.*

Besides the invited talks and courses, we plan to offer a poster
session. We encourage students and young researchers interested in
presenting a poster to make the registration procedure and then send
your work to cimpacuritiba2013 en gmail with subject "poster session".
Please, send a pdf file with the name "poster.yourlastname.pdf". In
order to create an environment of scientific discussion, the works
making part of the poster session will be available for exposition
during the whole event.

Everyone who is interested in Representation Theory and its
applications is cordially invited to attend this school. We would
appreciate if you forward this message to students and researchers who
may be interested in participating.

Looking forward to meeting you in Curitiba,

The organizing committee

Patrick Le-Meur (Université Blaise Pascal)

Cristián Ortiz (Universidade Federal do Paraná)

Edson Ribeiro Álvares (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
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