[EstudiantesMatemática]Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística: 28 de Noviembre, 11.30 hs

Nicolás Frevenza nfrevenza en gmail.com
Vie Nov 25 14:58:52 UYST 2011

*Fecha y lugar:* lunes 28 de Noviembre, 11.30 hs, salón de seminarios
del piso 14 del CMAT.

*Expositor:* Maine Fariello (INRA)

*Título: *Dinámica de poblaciones y una aplicación a la detección de

*Resumen:* All evolutionary forces (mutation, drift, migration, selection)
impact the structure of genomic content. Population genetics studies the
variation of gene frequencies within and between populations, under
different evolutionary scenarios. Disentangling 'neutral' forces (affecting
the genomic content globally) from selective ones (targeting few and
precise genomic regions) is of great interest in human, plant or animal
genetics, to detect genes controlling selected traits, such as disease
resistances. Statistical methods must take account of correlations between
populations (earlier work), but also of correlations between genomic sites.
We present a new and powerful approach for detecting footprints of
selection, particularly suited for livestock populations.
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