[EstudiantesMatemática] Recordatorio: Conferencia 11 de abril, 15 hs

Ivan Pan ivan en cmat.edu.uy
Lun Abr 11 13:03:55 UYT 2011

Les recuerdo la conferencia de hoy:


Stéphane Lamy (Universidad de Lyon/Universidad de Warwick)

Título: "Small cancellation elements in the Cremona group"

Resumen: Consider G a group acting by isometries on a Gromov hyperbolic
space, g an element in G, and N the normal subgroup generated by g in G. I
will present a result generalizing previous results in small cancellation
theory, which gives a criterion to ensure that N is a strict subgroup of G.
I will discuss the basic example of PSL(2,Z) acting on the Poincaré disk,
then the situation of the mapping class group acting on the complex of
curves, and finally  the Cremona group acting on a infinite dimensional
hyperbolic space, which was our main motivation (joint work with Serge

Lugar y fecha:  Sala de seminarios del piso 16 del CMAT, el lunes 11 a las
15:00 horas (duración: 1 hora).
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