[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: [BIOMAT] Fwd: announcement workshop in Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil

Elisa Rocha elisaroch en gmail.com
Sab Feb 14 14:25:38 UYST 2009

esta interesante para los que gusten de la biomatematica y biofisica:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge P. Zubelli <zubelli en gmail.com>
Date: 2009/2/14
Subject: [BIOMAT] Fwd: announcement workshop in Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil
(deadline is approaching)
To: biomat en googlegroups.com


We would like to announce the Workshop on Mathematical Methods and
Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena, which will take place in Angra dos
Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the period of March 15th, through
March 21st, 2009.
Besides a number of talks on recent developments in Biomathematics
ranging from structured populations to evolutionary dynamics, the
workshop will also feature three minicourses delivered by

Fabio Chalub (U.N.de Lisboa),
Anna Marciniak (Heidelberg) & Benoit Perthame (UPMC, Paris)
Jorge Pacheco (U. de Lisboa).

More information can be found at the site:

A ***limited*** number of financial support grants will be available
to qualified students provided the candidate submits a poster
presentation by March 2nd, 2009. The support grant will cover the
registration, conference lodging (including meals), and help with the
travel expenses.

To apply please register at
and make sure that a recommendation letter by your supervisor or a
researcher familiar with your work reaches the address
bio.math.impa en gmail.com by the above deadline. The decision by the
organizing committee will be informed by March 5th, 2009.

Looking forward to see you in Angra,

Jorge P. Zubelli
BIOMATH 2009 Organizing Committee.

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