[EstudiantesMatemática] Fwd: [Todos CMAT] Viernes 10 Ponencia (en IMERL) - Prof. Jose Herskovits Norman.

Elisa Rocha elisaroch en gmail.com
Mar Oct 7 21:35:50 UYST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Franco Robledo <frobledo en fing.edu.uy>
Date: 2008/10/7
Subject: [Todos CMAT] Viernes 10 Ponencia (en IMERL) - Prof. Jose Herskovits
To: todos en cmat.edu.uy, todos_imfia en fing.edu.uy, todosimerl <
todos_imerl en fing.edu.uy>, invop en fing.edu.uy, artes en fing.edu.uy,
sermon en fing.edu.uy, todos en fcien.edu.uy, Claudio Enrique Risso Montaldo <
crisso en anteldata.com.uy>, Paggi Horacio <hpaggi en ancap.com.uy>

Estimados Profesores y Estudiantes:
   Si bien el Seminario de Matemática Aplicada - FING es a régimen
quincenal, aprovechando la visita del Prof. Jose Herskovits Norman
(OptimizE - Engineering Optimization Lab Mechanical Engineering Program
COPPE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), los invitamos muy
cordialmente a presenciar una ponencia suya el día Viernes 10 de Octubre
en el Salón de Seminarios del IMERL, a las 10:00 horas.


Numerical algorithms for real life engineering optimization must be
strong and capable of solving very large problems with a small
number of simulations and sensitivity analysis. We
describe some numerical techniques to solve engineering problems
with the Feasible Arc Interior Point Algorithm (FAIPA) for nonlinear
constrained optimization. These techniques include quasi- Newton
formulations that avoid the storage of the approximation matrix.
They include also numerical algorithms to solve in an efficient
manner the internal linear systems of FAIPA. Numerical results with
large size test problems and with a structural optimization example
shows that FAIPA is strong an efficient for large size optimization.

Saludos atentos,
        Dr. Ing. Franco Robledo Amoza
        Director del LPE

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